Ayush Puja for child’s long & healthy life (code:1010)


Prices include GST & Handling charges. 

Ayusha Homa is recommended mainly to parents for safe and healthy living of their children and also to lengthen their life span. Invoking of fire is an auspicious ceremony that transforms the negative energies into positivity and this homa reduces the chance of any evil effect on the child of his previous birth.

Upon booking, our team would connect with you to understand your requirements, the date of Travel to Haridwar & your Hotel address so that our representative can pick you up.

  • We would recommend Devotees to sit in the complete Puja but if they cannot then they can also join for initial 10-15 minutes to take the pledge or Sankalp.
  • Complete Puja would be conducted by our certified and experienced Purohit’s at the Bank of Ganga (Haridwar ).
  • Ganga Prasad would be given to the Devotee.
  • You can call us at 91-7011055303 for any Query.
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