Update, Upgrade and Innovate your Brand.

Some learned person rightly said, “The road to success should always be under construction.”

In my opinion and based on my experience of 28 years, I feel that Brands that are launched to reduce the pain areas of customers always sustain in the market. Infact, Customers are always looking and surfing the net to find out such products but this is also not the end. We need to ensure that our products & services are continuously updated, upgraded and Innovated based on the customer need which is changing every time.

So what should we do to ensure that our products are always on the shelf as per changing customer requirements? (Top 5 points),

  1. Never run away from your customers. Keep in constant touch with them so that your products keep on Updating as per the needs.
  2. Learn from your mistakes but before hand, admit your mistakes to your customers before the customers point it out to you. Never, argue or protect your products from your customers.
  3. Always be transparent to your Customers. Provide inside out of your products to your customers but make sure that you change your specifications based on your customer needs, if any.
  4. Customers are always on a look out for personalized attention and for this they don’t mind approaching not so famous brands over famous ones, if they get personalized services. If we give personalized services, customers would remain loyal always.
  5. After sale service to your customers by providing them with Escalation Metrics. Customers would sure shot remain loyal to your brand, if they are able to connect to the owners of the Brand.

Over the last 1.5 years World of Devotion has evolved many times keeping in mind customer needs. We launched World of Devotion ONLINE Puja’s only but in last 8 months we have changed our operations –

  1. We now strongly recommend our customers to visit personally and conduct In-person Puja’s since we have now created our ground teams at the religious destinations. Customers today have an option to book our services before hand so that they don’t carry liquid cash which can be stolen or lost.
  2. In place of only ONLINE Puja’s which were conducting by Teerth Purohit’s we have now launched LIVE ONLINE Services where the customers (anywhere in this planet) can now conduct entire Puja LIVE by sitting in their homes. This concept has given us huge appreciation by those customers who don’t have time to travel to any of the Holy places.
  3. Third service launched recently, is Sankalp Puja for 10-15 minutes ONLINE outside the Top Temples of India. After this Sankalp Puja, the Pandit’s offer Prasad to the Deity and then portion of the Prasad is couriered to the Customers.

As a co-founder of World of Devotion, I feel that the above 3 changes have helped us to move our Brand Value to somewhere in the top ten positions, if not the first. Infact, if you google our services and then add “In Haridwar” we are seen right on the Top position.

It’s just second year of our Launch and we promise our customers to always Update, Upgrade and Innovate more and more so that the customers gain.

World of Devotion will always ensure that Customers come first and if we are able to eliminate or reduce their pain areas, we would feel “Mission Accomplished.”

Look forward to serving you always. Write to me at [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Rajesh Bakshi

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