Cows Must be Protected

The Duty of Every Leader 

Once when the powerful Kind Maharaja Parikshit was traveling, he saw a cruel man beating the legs of a cow and a bull. The King at once caught hold of him to punish him suitably, since in Vedic culture it is an offence to harm a cow or bull. As an ideal Leader, King Parikshit understood the importance of protecting Cows.

The Tragedy of the Modern Age

The cruel man described above is representative of the mentality of the people of the current age called Kali Yuga. In this age cow slaughter has become common even in India where the cow is revered as “Mother” since time immemorial.

The above history of Maharaja Parikshit was narrated by the learned devotee Suta Goswami to many sages assembled at the holy place Naimisaranya five thousand years ago, just before the age of Kali Yug began. The sages could not believe that during Kali Yuga people will kill cows. The idea was so shocking to them.

What would these great sages say today if they saw that the very leaders who are supposed to protect cows, like Maharaja Parikshit did, are instead opening organized slaughter houses for killing cows?

The Importance of Cow & Bull

Nowadays, people have forgotten that the cow is the most important animal for human society. The bull is the emblem of Dharma (religiosity) and cow is the representative of Mother Earth. When the bull and cow are in a joyful mood, it is to be understood that the people of the world will also be in a joyful mood. The reason is that the bull helps in production of grains in the agricultural fields, and the cow delivers milk, the miracle food that can be made into curd, yogurt, butter and ghee. Milking a cow means drawing the principle of religion in liquid form. Cow’s milk is so pure that is considered Liquid Religiosity.

Thus, because the bull gives grains through tilling the land and the cow gives milk, the bull is considered the “Father” and the cow the “Mother” of human society. Both the cow and bull are symbols of the most offense less living beings because even their dung and urine are of immense value (medicinal, fuel, fertilizers, etc.) to human society.

Lord Krishna’s Example

To teach by example, the Supreme Lord Krishna himself shows us when he descends into this world how important it is to protect, love and serve cows. He is known as Gopal (protector of the cows) or Govinda (one who gives pleasure to the Cows). If we also serve Lord Krishna’s beloved cows, then he will certainly be pleased and will shower his blessings upon us.

Our Responsibilities

Human society must maintain these two animals carefully so that they can wander everywhere cheerfully. Instead, in this age both are being slaughtered in large numbers. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for so many troubles in present society. To kill cows, means, to end human civilization. People do not know what harm they are doing in the name of economic development. That do not realize that only by seeing that bulls and cows are happy in all respects, human society can be happy. This is a fact by the Laws of Mother Nature.

World of Devotion’s role in Cow Protection 

“Feed the Cows” was introduced in our website ( to encourage Hindus across the globe to come forward and Feed the Holy cows at Vrindavan and Haridwar (Devabhoomi) even if they are unable to pay a visit. At Vrindavan, we Feed the Cows at ISKCON Gaushala and at Haridwar we have adopted few Gaushalas. The more we Feed and serve Cows, the more happy our lives would be. 

By pleasing the cows and bulls are Vrindvan, you simultaneously please Lord Krishna and Balram. You virtually become one of their Gopas and Gopis as you help care for their beloved cows. Your service to the cows gradually qualifies you to serve Krishna and Balram in Goloka Vrindavan with their surabhi cows.

We request everyone to serve the cows and bulls in whatever form or ways you can. You can also avail the facility through our website ( to feed and adopt cows at Vrindvan & Haridwar. Consider yourself most fortunate to perform service in Vrindavan/ Haridwar to Krishna’s cows.  

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