Feed the cows

Importance –  Feeding the Cows is equivalent to as many Puja’s and rituals in your life. In Hindu Religion, Cow is treated as a Mother and it’s our duty to respect our Mother as it provides us nourishing Milk and that too without any Expectations. Let’s not treat this as an obligation but a DUTY to Feed the Cows regularly.

World of Devotion provides you with an opportunity not only to Feed the Cows but also to Adopt them as per ones capacity. These services are available at the Land of Krishna, Vrindavan and Devbhoomi Haridwar where we have tie ups with top & hygienic Gaushalas. Use this opportunity and pay homage to Mother Cow.

Feed the Cows - Visit Personally

Feed the Cows-Ayodhya (code:6001)


Feed the Cows - Visit Personally

Feed the Cows-Vrindavan (code:6002)


Feed the Cows - Visit Personally

Feeding the Cows-Haridwar (code:6003)


Feed the Cows - Visit Personally

Feeding the Cows-Delhi NCR (code:6004)


Feed the Cows - Visit Personally

Adopt a Cow-Life Time-Haridwar (code:6005)
