Have you Seen God? क्या भगवान को कभी देखा है ?

Many people have asked us, “HAVE YOU SEEN GOD”?

Our answer is a Definitive “YES”

In-fact we all have seen him!!

The word भगवान, as per ancient Sanskrit, is comprised of the Five Basic Elements

भ = भूमि
अ = अग्नि
ग = गगन
वा = वायु
न = नीर


भ = भूमि : God is the land, like a Mother, that carries the weight of billions of humans and the weight of their misdeeds (पाप)

अ = अग्नि : God is the Fire, that purifies & releases the soul from a body

ग = गगन : God is the sky, like a Father, acts as a Roof for billions of children

वा = वायु : God is the air in form of oxygen, that provides the contents to breathe and sustain life

न = नीर : God is the Water in forms of our Rivers, that bestows life where ever it flows

A Human cannot achieve “MOKSHA” or Freedom from the cycle of Birth or Rebirth till he or she repays the debt of the Five Elements.

How does one repay this debt?

God has given us Birth for a purpose. Birth is an opportunity, not just to work & do your Karma, but also to Meditate & Pray to God. This means any human has to offer his prayers, with 100% child-like innocence, to the Five Basic Elements. Offering your Prayers with a pure heart & soul connects you to God, where you no longer talk & ask for materialistic things, but listen & connect deeply with him

This can only be done through Vedic Puja’s which combine the prayer of the FIVE BASIC ELEMENTS

Till the time, a human being, offers these Pujaa’s & connect with the ELEMENTS, he or she will continue to be born & reborn. Not necessarily as a human but any insect, animal, etc

This is significance of the Puja of the 5 Basic Elements

At the same time, while it is important to pray, WHERE TO OFFER YOUR PRAYERS, is equally important.

The location has to be such where the 5 Basic Elements combine together in one single location

As per Ancient Vedas, HARIDWAR (the land of God) is the place where this rare combination happens, and within HARIDWAR, it happens at “HARI KI PAURI”

HARI KI PAURI, at Haridwar, is the place where the magical droplets of the “AMRIT” fell down during the “SAMUNDRA MANTHAN” (Churning of the Sea).

One who offers Puja’s at Haridwar, starts walking on the right path and finally attains salvation or “MOKSHA”


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