Janamastmi is celebrated as Lord Krishna’s birthday in the whole country. According to shastras, on the astami in bhadrapad month, at midnight, Lord Krishna was born to mother Devki in Kaans jail. Majority of the people fast on this day and at midnight after puja they break their fast. During Janamastami puja, there is a special puja conducted where Lord Krishna is placed in a jhaanki and at midnight along with the pujas is given a bath in panchamrat and holy water followed by changing into new vastras and being offered special food.
Janamashtami Puja
This puja should be done for wishing for a child and his/her happiness + stronger marital relations + wealth, happiness and prosperity for you and your family.
- All our Puja’s are conducted at the Banks of Ganga River, Har Ki Pauri, Haridwar by our Ganga Purohit’s.
- Upon bookings, we would ask for few details, for whom the Puja needs to be conducted, through Email or Whatsapp.
- We would share a short video & pictures as a proof of activity.
Option | Puja only, Puja & Prasad |
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